A Look at the Primary Components of Commercial Insurance in Rochester, MN

The business that you create is probably one of the most important things in your life, which means it deserves to be rightly protected. Check out three of the primary components of the best commercial insurance policy. 

Property-Liability Insurance 

One of the most important forms of commercial insurance any business should have is property liability insurance. If something happens that causes someone to get hurt on your property, this insurance will step in and cover the costs of their damages. For example, say someone trips over a neglected piece of merchandise that has been left in the floor. They fall, get hurt, and you are responsible for paying for the damages. Your property liability insurance would help cover these costs so you don’t have to pay them out-of-pocket. 

Commercial Vehicle Insurance 

Commercial vehicle insurance is designed to protect the vehicles that you use to perform your business operation. Vehicles can range in form and type, from buses and taxis to company vehicles and mobile food trucks. Because these vehicles are part of your business operation, they must be protected with a higher level of insurance coverage than a basic auto insurance policy can provide. 

Property Insurance

In general terms, your commercial property insurance policy with Safechoice Insurance Agency in Rochester, MN will protect the tangible property of your business. Property insurance will include coverage for things like: 

  • The business building you operate from 
  • The business equipment that is in the building 
  • The merchandise that is kept on the business property

In the event the business property is damaged, lost, or stolen, your property insurance would help cover the costs of replacement. 

The most comprehensive commercial insurance plan will have your business protected from every angle. If you would like more information about obtaining commercial insurance for your business in Rochester, MN, reach out to Safechoice Insurance Agency for advice.