Extend the Life of Your Vehicle with These Easy Tips

Keeping your car running smoothing requires regular attention to little details. You don’t need to be a mechanic or spend hours under your car’s hood to extend its life. You do, however, have to see to the little things: regular maintenance and proper insurance. Here are a few tips from Safechoice Insurance Agency on how to extend the life of your vehicle.

How To Keep Your Car Going

Cars are often retired to the scrapyard when there’s a major failure, such as a blown piston or dead transmission. These large issues arise when little details are neglected over weeks, months, and years. Taking a few simple steps can keep your car going strong. To extend the life of your car, take time to do the following:

  • keep your tires properly inflated
  • have your oil changed regularly
  • put up a sunshade when you park

The third tip, using a sunshade, is especially important during the afternoon. When the sun’s high in the sky, its rays will damage an interior, causing it to fade over time. A sunshade will reduce the damage that the sun causes to your car’s cabin.

How To Keep Yourself Insured

If you’re hoping to drive your car for thousands and thousands of miles, you’ll want to make sure you’re properly insured when you’re on the road. The level of auto insurance that you need will depend on your personal situation, driving habits, and your car. The best way to determine how much insurance you should carry is by talking with an independent insurance agent. An independent agent can compare the different policies that are available in Minnesota and help you choose the one that provides the best coverage at the lowest price.

If you live or own a car in Rochester, MN, Safechoice Insurance Agency can help you find an auto insurance policy. We have independent insurance agents who are ready to assist you. To speak with one, give our office a call.