Roommates and Renters Insurance – 3 Tips

Having a roommate is a great way to cut expenses. But how does sharing an apartment or house with another person affect your insurance coverage? Here are three tips for understanding roommates and renters insurance.

Tip #1: Have the Discussion

It is important to discuss renters insurance with your roommate from the beginning and decide how to handle the process. Many people wrongly believe that only one of the tenants needs to have a policy in force for everybody in the household to be covered. It is also important to discuss the amount of coverage needed for both personal property and liability. By taking the time to make sure all parties have the right amount of insurance coverage, you can rest assured that you both will be taken care of if there is ever a claim.

Tip #2: Consider Separate Policies

Many renters insurance carriers allow two unrelated adults to be on one policy together. However, this can cause a problem if you every have a falling out or one roommate relocates. In addition, if two parties are on the same policy, they will both have to sign in order to cash any future claims checks. This is why it is important to consider having separate policies. This way, each roommate has adequate coverage to meet his or her needs without being completely tied to each other.

Tip #3: Understand What is Actually Covered

When it comes to roommate and renters insurance, it is important to understand what is actually covered. Instances where a bad roommate destroys or steals your personal property are often considered intentional acts—something that is usually excluded from coverage.

Learn more about renters insurance coverage and having a roommate. Contact our team at Safechoice Insurance Agency today for more details.