Safety Tips for Driving In Summer Storms

Different safety tips apply to different situations when you are on the road. Understanding how to stay safe when driving during summer storms is crucial to help prevent accidents and injuries. At Safechoice Insurance Agency, serving Rochester, MN, we want to help our clients avoid accidents as a first line of defense. Keep reading to learn more about driving in summer storms. 

Check the Weather

If you are heading out for a long drive, checking the weather beforehand is always a good idea. This can help you better prepare for whatever types of summer storms are heading your way. 

Summer storms are often sudden and intense. They can include heavy rain, hail, heavy winds, and in some parts of the country, summer storms can quickly escalate into tornados. 

Slow Down

If the weather turns bad while driving, your first safety step is to slow down. You simply cannot drive at normal speeds during a heavy storm. Remember, the speed limit on the road is for ideal conditions. You should decrease your speed according to the severity of the storm. 

Pull Over

If you are losing visibility, you need to find a safe spot and pull off until the storm calms down. Some strong rain showers can cause zero visibility. There is no way to operate a vehicle with zero visibility safely. Even if it means being late to your destination, this is the smartest option in a powerful storm. 

Keep Wipers in Good Shape

You are required by law to keep windshield wipers in good working order for your safety and the safety of others. 

If you want to learn about our auto insurance services, please get in touch with us at Safechoice Insurance Agency, which serves Rochester, MN, and the surrounding areas.