Should You Let Your Auto Insurance Agent Know You Are Recovering From a Serious Physical Injury?

Believe us there is every pun intended in our name, Safechoice Insurance Agency in Rochester, MN takes your safety seriously. Serving the great residents of Rochester, MN and the surrounding areas we are in business to help out when life’s events may have not had the safest outcomes.

When it comes to serious physical injuries and your driving ability it is best to adhere to your physicians advice in terms of when to return to driving and your other daily activities. In the event of a serious physical injury that results in the loss of your ability to drive it is important to do as the doctor says. If your insurance is impacted, it is certain that your medical history will be called into question in the investigation that follows.

In the event that you break the limb that you drive with, your right or left leg, resuming your driving responsibilities too early may further damage your health and impede your healing.

Should You Let Your Auto Insurance Agent Know You Are Recovering From a Serious Physical Injury?

If you adhere to your physician’s directions and refrain from driving for your healing period it is not necessary to inform your insurance agent. That being said there are some extenuating circumstances that need to be considered. Your agent can help you to navigate the terrain if you will not be driving for an extended period of time that may necessitate pausing your auto insurance payments. Speaking to your agent if you injury will permanently change your ability is imperative.   

Safechoice Insurance Agency will give you options on how to best protect your assets while you recover from your serious physical injury. Contact us today with any insurance concerns you may have.