When to Switch Life Insurance Provider in MN

As with your other insurance policies–home, auto and health–there’s no need to stay with the same insurance company just because they’re the same company that your parents and grandparents used, or because you bought life insurance from them at the recommendation of a friend who sold insurance for that particular company. You’re always free, at any time, to change insurance provider if you feel that your current policy isn’t suitable.

Some people like to change insurance providers because, once they’ve worked with us, they see that by shopping around with different insurance companies they can get lower premiums on the same type of policy. Another reason for which you might change insurance providers is when your family is expanding and you need to increase your life insurance coverage. As you add children to your family, your expenses go up along with your need for more life insurance for both partners. You should also reevaluate your life insurance policy when your income goes up significantly.
The most important thing to keep in mind when changing your life insurance provider is to not cancel your first policy before the new one takes effect. The extra $50 or $100 that you "waste" during the overlap is not a bad thing; what if you were in an accident during that time and had no coverage at all? In five or ten years, you’ll forget all about that money, but if you were to pass on, your loved ones would lose out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance money.
To learn more about the types of life insurance that are available in Minnesota, contact our insurance team today. We’ll check amongst our partner agencies to help you find a policy that meets your current insurance needs.