3 Ways to Stay Safe Around Bicycles at Night

Thanks to a number of factors, there are more people than ever using bicycles instead of cars or trucks.  While this is great for the environment and the bicyclist’s wallets, bicycles on the road can be a hazard.  This is especially true at night when bicyclists are harder to see. Follow these tips to make sure you keep them and you safe on the road at night. 

  1. Be on the lookout for bicyclists.  It may seem obvious, but even after you have passed a bicyclist it’s important that you stay aware of him or her.  A sudden stop or change in his or her direction may mean that you need to stop your vehicle.  The more aware you are of the bicyclist, the easier it will be to stop in time.
  2. Give them some space.  Most bicycle accidents occur when a car hits a bicycle from the rear.  In many of these cases, the car was going around the corner, or was simply following the bike too closely.  By giving bicyclists enough space on roads without bike lanes, you’ll reduce the risk of striking them.
  3. Make sure your vehicle is visible.  Make sure that you have your headlights on during at night.  On country roads, use your bright lights.  This allows bicyclists to see you and for you to see bicyclists.

Being in an accident with a bicyclist can be one of the scariest and most costly events in your life.  That’s why it’s important for residents of Rochester, MN to make sure that they are protected with a good auto insurance policy.  Call the insurance agents at Safechoice Insurance Agency to discuss your coverage.