Types of Auto Liability Insurance

When you hear the term liability insurance in the context of an auto policy, it refers to what your policy pays out to the other party if you are found liable for an accident. This generally refers to the people in the other vehicle involved in an accident. At Safechoice Insurance Agency in Rochester, MN, we are dedicated to informing our clients about their coverages and the benefits they derive from them.

Auto liability insurance coverage on your vehicle policy is legally mandated for driving on the roadways in most states. When you hear the term liability coverage in discussions of auto insurance, it refers to two types of coverages: bodily injury and property damage.

  • Bodily injury coverage pays for the injuries to the other driver(s) and passengers harmed in an accident that you have been found at fault for causing.
  • Property damage coverage pays for the cost associated with another person’s automobile or property damaged in an accident where you are at fault.

We will help you get the right coverage that you need.

What is Included With Auto Liability Insurance?

Auto liability insurance includes coverage for bodily injury and property damage.

Bodily injury coverage insures you against injuries to another person caused by an accident for which you are found liable. These injuries can include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Prescriptions
  • Legal fees if you are sued for the injuries you have caused another person to suffer

Property damage coverage covers the damages your vehicle has caused to someone else’s personal property. These include:

  • Repairs to the car of the other drivers involved in an accident
  • Damages to fences, buildings, or other structures
  • A rental car while the other person’s vehicle is being repaired
  • Damage to the personal belongings of others inside a car, such as electronics
  • Legal fees if you are sued for causing damage to someone’s property
  • Other related costs arising from damage to property during an incident

Coverage Limits

There is a variety of auto liability limits available for drivers. Typically, there is a state minimum that you are required to carry. In Minnesota, the minimum liability limits are 30/60/10, which means that the state requires you to have auto liability cover sufficient to pay up to $30,000 per accident for bodily injury per person, up to $60,000 total for a single accident, and up to $10,000 for property damage to the vehicle or property of another in a single incident.

While you are only required to have the minimum, you may find it beneficial to carry a larger amount to ensure your financial protection in the event of an accident.

Let us Help!

Call us today at Safechoice Insurance Agency in Rochester, MN, at (507) 280-9282. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff can answer your questions and help you get the right auto liability coverage.

What needs to be considered when looking for home insurance in Minnesota?

Rochester, MN can be a great place to own a home. It is a great place to live due to the variety of professional opportunities and local amenities. When looking to buy a home, you must also evaluate your insurance needs carefully. There are various factors to consider when looking for home coverage. 

Protection for Assets

A primary type of coverage you need is protection for your assets. A home is a major asset to purchase, and having coverage for it needs to be considered a necessity. As you are looking to protect your home, you will want to ensure your plan has enough insurance to repair or rebuild your property if you are a victim of a fire or other challenging situation that results in damage. You should also ensure your personal assets are protected against similar risks, as well as theft or vandalism. 

Ancillary Coverage Options

It is also a good idea to consider different ancillary insurance options. These include water backup coverage, service line coverage, equipment backup coverage, and flood insurance. A local insurance professional can help you properly assess all of your options to determine which additional coverage options are ideal for your situation. 

Getting home insurance in the Rochester, MN area will always need to be a necessity and priority if you are a property owner. As you are looking for a new home policy in the area, you can contact our team with the Safechoice Insurance Agency. Our team of professionals with Safechoice Insurance Agency can help you assess all risks and needs regarding coverage. This can be a significant first step in building an ideal plan for your situation. 

Taking Care of Your Home the Correct Way

When it comes to taking care of your home in Rochester, MN the correct way, there are several tips to keep in mind. From taking care of the lawn to cleaning out the gutters, keeping your home in pristine condition is essential to its overall value. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to take proper care of your home is to keep an active home insurance policy on it. Here’s a quick look at three other tips you can follow to help ensure you’re taking care of your home the best way possible. 

#1: Sweep and Mop Behind Appliances

One of the dirtiest areas in a home is behind appliances. Whether it be a washer, dryer, refrigerator, or stove, the areas behind these appliances can get very dusty and dirty. And while they do not have to be moved on a weekly basis to be cleaned behind, it is ideal to move them and clean behind them at least once a month. In doing this, you will also notice how much easier it is to keep these areas clean because the dirt and grime will not build up so heavily behind them. 

#2: Clean the Windows

Cleaning your windows on a regular basis may or may not be an option. Window cleaning can require special equipment and supplies depending on how high they are and their shape. If you don’t know how or cannot clean the windows on your home yourself, you can always hire a professional window cleaning company to do the work for you. 

#3: Pressure Wash the Vinyl

Keeping your home pressure washed is key to keeping the exterior in tip-top condition. Once again, if you don’t know how to clean the exterior of your home (whether it be vinyl or brick), you can hire a professional cleaning company serving the Rochester, MN to do it for you. 

Contact Safechoice Insurance Agency today to learn more about home insurance in Rochester, MN today. 


Is Collision Coverage Necessary?

Most every state requires that drivers carry minimum auto insurance coverage to pay for injury or property damage to others in the event of an accident. Minimum coverage, however, won’t help you recuperate your losses if your car is damaged in an accident. By obtaining collision coverage from Safechoice Insurance Agency in Rochester, MN, you ensure your vehicle is protected in the event of an accident, regardless of who was at fault. Here are just a few ways collision insurance can be of benefit to Minnesota drivers.

Protection from Accidents You Cause 

Even careful drivers can find themselves involved in an accident that causes damage to their vehicle. With collision coverage, your insurer will pay for repairs to your vehicle, even if the accident was your fault. After you pay the deductible, your collision insurance will take care of the rest. If repair costs exceed the market value of your vehicle, your insurer may “total” the car and reimburse you for its market value, making it possible for you to replace your vehicle.  

Protection from Accidents Caused by Others

Collision coverage will protect you from accidents caused by other drivers by covering the cost of auto repairs without raising your premium. This way you don’t have to wait for the other driver’s insurance company to settle the claim. Your insurer will then seek reimbursement from the insurance carrier of the driver at fault of the accident.   

If you own a new or costly vehicle, it only makes sense to obtain collision coverage to protect your investment. Even older, reliable vehicles with high market value can benefit from what collision coverage has to offer. With collision coverage, you can have greater confidence that you are protected from accidents.  

At Safechoice Insurance Agency, Rochester, MN, we can help you make wise decisions concerning the auto insurance coverage you need. 

Signs Your Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail

There are certain types of roof damage that is not covered by homeowner’s insurance. However, hail damage is typically covered in Rochester, MN. Following a hail storm, it is important to know what the signs are that indicate your roof was damaged. This will help you know when to get repairs made or file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance policy. Here are a few of the signs that your roof may have been damaged by hail.


The number one sign of damage to your roof by hail is dents and dings in the roofing material. Typically, there is no discernible pattern to the dents, as hail falls whereever it likes. Unfortunately, these dents and dings can cause water to pool on the roof or lead to weak spots that can crack or break over time. If you see obvious dents or dings on the roof after a hail storm, you should call in a professional to determine the extend of the damage.

Damage to the Metal on Your Roof

Another sign that your roof was damaged by hail is damage to the metal parts of your roof. This may include gutters and flashing. These materials may be dented, but they may also be twisted or lifted and falling off. If the metal looks off after a hail storm, it’s time for roof repair.

Soft Spots in the Roof

The last sign that you need repair after a hail storm is soft spots in a roof. The hail may have caused a soft spot in the materials under the roof. Unfortunately, this is hard to see or feel unless you are a professional. That’s why it is recommended that you call in a professional after large or lengthy hail storms.

Unfortunately, you can’t prevent hail damage to a roof. But you can ensure that your home and roof are fully covered if a large hail storm comes into town. Safechoice Insurance Agency, serving the greater Rochester, MN area, would love to help you put together a homeowner’s insurance policy that fully protects your home, at a price you can afford. Give us a call today to talk about your insurance options or to receive a free quote.

Why Auto Insurance is Particularly Important in Rochester, MN

If you live in Rochester, MN, and you are the owner of a motor vehicle, you should know that auto insurance is very important. In fact, it is required if you drive a vehicle. In Minnesota, it is particularly important that you have auto insurance coverage, because of the harsh winters that can affect your driving.

During the winter months, it is a very good idea to have roadside assistance in addition to the policy you normally have. Slide offs happen more often when the roads are icy and being stuck in a ditch, it can be great to have roadside assistance available to come and rescue you and your passengers. You can actually end up saving money this way, as you will be paying for the relatively inexpensive roadside assistance instead of having to pay expensive bills to have your car towed. Also, accidents are more likely when the roads are slippery, so it helps to have auto insurance even more than it does during the other times of the year. They are more likely to end up actually getting use out of their auto insurance coverage in the winter when accidents are more likely, as are damage and injuries. Comprehensive coverage will help you a great deal by protecting you against the higher risk of collisions and potential storm damage during the winters in this state. It is always important to have auto insurance coverage, as there is always a risk that an unexpected crisis situation could take place. However, you are more likely to benefit from this protection in the winter, due to all of the added risks that are present at this time of the year.

If you are interested in knowing more about auto insurance in the city of Rochester, MN, you should consider contacting Safechoice Insurance Agency. The agents at Safechoice Insurance Agency can answer any questions you might have and give you any information you need about how important auto insurance is for you as a resident of the state of Minnesota.

When Making the Safe Choice is the Right Choice

There are times when you just can’t afford take risks. When it comes to surgery and health related procedures, people come from all over the world to visit the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In fact, three presidents have traveled here, including Reagan, Ford and George H.W. Bush. Yes, there are times when you can’t take a chance.

Going into business, however, seems to always have its risks. Business owners try to minimize those risks, coming up with a solid business plan and adequate financing to get through the tough spots. A good marketing plan, long hours and hard work will help make a business successful, but again, there are no guarantees.

Businesses are at risk from competitors, a change in the market or technology, and from losses due to theft or storm damage. Businesses are also in constant danger from liability risks. This is where a solid loss prevention and business insurance program can help. It is also when making the Safechoice is making the right choice.

Safechoice Insurance Agency serves Rochester businesses and families with access to a variety of insurance providers. This ability to get quotes is a result of our status as an independent agency serving the 55901 zip code area. If you own a business or live in the Rochester area, you are invited to visit our website. There, you can get a comparative quote on your homeowners or auto insurance. Once you see how we can save you money, you’ll want to discuss your business insurance with us.

You take enough risks by being in business for yourself. Make sure you are protected adequately from events that can stop you in your tracks. Contact Safechoice Insurance Agency today and see why the Safechoice is the right choice.

The “Shocking” Cost of Replacing Your Electronics

Rochester, MN is known for its cold winters, but we can have extreme weather anytime of the year. Did you know, for example, that two F4 tornadoes have hit our community since 1953? What is interesting is that the first of those, in 1953, occurred in May. The other struck in mid-September. That second storm hit in 1962. Of course, it doesn’t take an F4 tornado to cause damage. Heavy rains and winds can cause damage almost anytime.

If you own a business in the Rochester area, are you convinced you have the proper business insurance to cover you in such a storm? Consider your electronics and computers for example. Today, most businesses rely on their computers, software and electronics to conduct business. They help us complete transactions, stay in contact with customers, and hold a significant amount of critical business information. If your policy just covers the cost of replacing equipment, you may be in for a shock. What about the software and the data on those computers? What about the cost of setting up a new network? Recovering from damage to electronic will likely cost you more time and money than simple replacement of a piece of equipment.

If you are unsure, we invite you to contact us at Safechoice Insurance Agency. As independent agents serving the 55901 zip code area, we can review your policy from any company. We can also search multiple providers for a better rate if you choose. We also invite you to get comparative rates on auto and homeowners insurance from our website. We believe once you see how we can save you, you will want to do all of your insurance business with us.

Contact us at Safechoice Insurance agency today and avoid the shocking true costs of damage to your business electronics.

Can I Work With An Agency To Get Home Insurance Quotes?

Rochester, MN is a major metropolitan area with close to 110,000 people. One of the primary points of interest is the world famous Mayo Clinic, which draws in a number of visitors and is one of the largest employers in the area. Residents also look to Silver Lake for recreation as well as various events held throughout the year.

When you live in the 55901 ZIP code, you have to make sure you get home insurance that you can rely on. This means you will want to learn about the coverage options, research the companies, and get quotes.

You don’t have to do all of this on your own. You can work with a home insurance agency to help with all of it. They will be able to explain the coverage options, including coverage on:

– Fire

– Flood

– Theft

– Valuables/Collectibles/Art

– Storms

– Personal injuries

There are all sorts of options to provide coverage for your home in Rochester and you will want to consider them all so you can make claims when something goes wrong. If something happens to your home in 55901 MN, you will want to contact the insurance company and know that they will take care of it all.

We are a home insurance agency you can rely on for all the help needed to find coverage and the right company. We’re independent, so we work with some of the top companies throughout MN – and that can make it easier for you. We will get quotes so you can make comparisons and find the most affordable policy.

Working with an agency makes sense and we’re happy to help. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you when it comes to buying homeowner’s insurance.

home insuranceagency

Is Carpet Damage Covered On A Policy?

Throughout Rochester, MN, there are many things to attract people. There’s the Mayo Clinic, which is a provider of more than 30,000 jobs. It is also why many people choose to visit the 55901 area. The city has a large population and with the nearest metropolitan being St Paul, plenty of people are commuting in and out of the city.

When you buy home insurance to protect your house in Rochester, you have to consider what is and isn’t covered on a policy. Carpet may be throughout your home and you have to look at whether you will be responsible for paying for the replacement when it becomes damaged.

Here’s when you will have to pay for the carpet damage:

– Pets

– Kids

– Food

– Heavy foot traffic

– Normal wear and tear

There are other times when carpet can be damaged and this is when you will want home insurance to pay for it. The carpet may become damaged during a fire, flood, or even a robbery. All sorts of things can happen and you will want to call the insurance company to file a claim. You will want the coverage on your policy for all of these things as it relates to carpet so your claim is not denied.

The fine print needs to be read when you buy a policy for your home in the 55901 area. Some companies offer better coverage than others and so you will always need to do some comparisons.

We have agents to help you find a cheap policy while still making sure carpet damage is included. We will go over some of the basics with you, ask questions, and answer questions you have. We will also work on getting quotes for comparison and for finding a cheap premium.